Monday, August 3, 2009


If you have a dog, please take a minute to read this. To read click HERE.
Our dog Cookie just recently started having seizures. Flea's are prevalent in our area, I
never knew that a dog could get them from just going outside, I thought that they had to
get flea's from another animal that had them. When we found out our dog had flea's our vet recommended Front line, a day after his first dose Cookie had his first seizure. 3 months later after Cookies second dose he had another seizure.


jinxi~ aka angi said...

Is Cookie ok? Will this be something that goes away? Big hugs, that is scary!

Unknown said...

I hope Cookie is going to be ok, Angie. We just had a bout with the buggers - Sam had some and we found out he's allergic to them. He was a mess! Were using Front Line, too - scary!!

Jenelle said...

I hope Cookie is ok. I use to have a dog that was allergic to flea bites, can you believe that!